9 – Apocalypse Never Looked So Good

September 27, 2009 at 11:52 pm (movies, Uncategorized) (, , , , , , , )

So I might be a little behind in my movie going expeditions, but I finally saw 9 this weekend. The movie was done very well. Character development has gotten very good over the last few years, and this movie is a prime example of that. The movie centers on anthropomorphosised burlap sacks who fight against a machine that destroyed humanity. Each of the 9 hero characters had a well-defined, if not stereotypical personality, though not all of them had much airtime. The villain cast of characters included a bionic cat, a cobra-esque burlap snake, and a soul-sucking machine.

The movie is set in a post apocalyptic time where machines have snuffed out human existence. The overall aesthetic of the film is reminiscent of World War I with elements of World War II era technology. I assume the city is loosely based on Paris, France, as the Cathedral of Notre Dame appears to have been used as the bases for one of the buildings. Regardless the imagery is amazing, and I liked the ambiguity of the back-story – you learn more about what happened to the human world and how as the hero character does.

I enjoyed the move. I felt the character development was strong, the story weaved in back-story and key plot ideas at it unfolded, and the imagery was spectacular. If you get a chance to see this in the theater I would recommend it, if not get it on Blu-Ray with the special features.

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